Digging Tools
The Turbo-Digger, also known as TD, is the first pneumatic spade. MTM designed it to make hard labor easier as digging in stony, rocky or frozen ground is quite a tough occasion.The original TD is available in 3 different strengths and can be equipped with 5 different handles. The length is equal to a regular spade but it can be customized for your personal needs.
You can also have the Turbo-Digger in a practical tool box with all the equipment you need to start right away. For more information have a look at our catalogue.
Due to craftmenship’s tough working conditions, all possible measures should be taken to prevent an operator from physical problems and health risks. The TD BTS is an ergonomic device to remove every kind of layer, like carpet, bitumen, fibre glass products, etc. To enlarge users’ protection to the max, the BTS can be equipped with a unique and patented anti vibration system, which matches European standards 2002/44 EG.
The D-handle is the most comfortable version of all Turbo-Digger models. Especially when working overhead during renovation, its handling is a great advantage. If you have to work very accurately as a landscaper, a D-handle might also be the best choice.
Using big devices is not always possible, especially in narrow spaces. Small pneumatic compactors from MTM are a sensible alternative. The TD C is mostly used as a mini pile driver to set up earth anchors, Thanks to his shape and handling it can also be used in renovation as a small but powerful scraper.